Byggfakta SMART – Available Fields in SuperOffice
Last updated on 16-10-2023
All the fields ending in “sotrans”, are translated lists, that will appear in the local language of the SuperOffice client.
Installing fields
To install more fields in SuperOffice, go to “Settings and Maintainance”, select “Fields” in the left hand menu, and add the fields you want with the appropriate ProgId.
For example, to add the field containing the type of Eco Certification, the following steps are done:
Open the “Settings and Maintenance” in the burger menu in the top right corner:

- Go to “Fields”, and select the entity where the field should be added.
- In this case “Projects”.
- Add a new field.

- Give it the desired name that should be shown in SuperOffice (It is possible to add translations to show different names for different local SuperOffice languages if so desired).
- Fill out the Data Type, and ProgId for that specific field. These can be found in the table below.
Save the field. - Data will appear in the field with every new import, or when a project is updated. If you want to manually force a project to get the data, simply modify the project in SMART (e.g. changing the status, and changing it back).

If all existing projects needs the have data loaded in, contact Siteshop to get a forced update of all your active projects.
Field Name | ProgId | DataType | Note |
Amount of apartments | smart:apartments | Number | |
Assigned tender roles | smart:assigned_tender_roles | Text:199 | Id field, not recommended |
Amount of buildings | smart:buildings | Number | |
Categories Ids | smart:categories_ids | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Categories Names | smart:categories_names | Text:199 | Comma separated list |
Amount of categories | smart:categories_num | Number | The number of categories |
Main category Id | smart:category_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Main category name | smart:category_name | Text:39 | |
Translated main category nameme | smart:category_sotrans | List:Smart Category | |
City | smart:city | Text:39 | |
Client Statuses | smart:client_statuses | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Construction Area | smart:construction_area | Number | |
Contract Type Id | smart:contract_type_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Contract Type | smart:contract_type_name | Text:39 | |
Translated contract type | smart:contract_type_sotrans | List:Smart Contract Type | |
Country Id | smart:country_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Country Name | smart:country_name | Text:39 | |
Translated Country Name | smart:country_sotrans | List:Smart Country | |
Crafts | smart:crafts | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Decontamination Area | smart:decontamination_area | Number | |
Delivered At | smart:delivered_at | Date | Creation date |
Demolition Area | smart:demolition_area | Number | |
Description | smart:description | Text:199 | |
Detailed Stage Id | smart:detailed_stage_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Detailed Stage | smart:detailed_stage_name | Text:39 | |
Translated Detaild Stage | smart:detailed_stage_sotrans | List:Smart Detailed Stage | |
Construction type Id | smart:dev_type_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Construction type | smart:dev_type_name | Text:39 | |
Translated construction type | smart:dev_type_sotrans | List:Smart Dev Type | |
District Id | smart:district_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
District | smart:district_name | Text:39 | |
Translated district | smart:district_SoTrans | List:Smart District | |
Ecocertification Id | smart:ecocertified_type_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Ecocertification name | smart:ecocertified_type_name | Text:39 | |
Translated ecocertification nameme | smart:ecocertified_type_sotrans | List:Smart Ecocertified Type | |
Expected Tender Roles | smart:expected_tender_roles | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Finish Date | smart:finish_date | Date | |
Original Finish Date | smart:original_finish_date | Date | Set at import time, never updated |
Finish Date Accuracy Id | smart:finish_date_accuracy_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Finish Text | smart:finish_text | Text:199 | |
Floors | smart:floors | Number | |
Framework Agreement | smart:framework_agreement | Text:39 | |
Geo Accuracy Id | smart:geo_accuracy_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Gross Area | smart:gross_area | Number | m² |
Gross Volume | smart:gross_volume | Number | m³ |
Project Id | smart:project_id | Text:39 | Key id to identify the SMART Project |
Location latitude | smart:location_lat | Text:39 | Geographic coordinate system |
Location longitude | smart:location_lon | Text:39 | Geographic coordinate system |
Materials Ids | smart:materials_ids | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Materials | smart:materials_names | Text:199 | Comma separated list |
Amount of materials | smart:materials_num | Number | The number of materials |
Modified At | smart:modified_at | Date | |
Months | smart:months | Text:39 | |
Postcode | smart:postcode | Number | |
Postcode Text | smart:postcode_text | Text:39 | City, postcode |
Project Name | smart:project_name | Text:39 | |
Property Designation | smart:property_designation | Text:39 | |
Publish Source Id | smart:publish_source_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Publish Source | smart:publish_source_name | Text:39 | |
Translated Publish Source | smart:publish_source_sotrans | List:Smart Publish Source | |
Region Id | smart:region_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Region | smart:region_name | Text:39 | |
Translated region | smart:region_SoTrans | List:Smart Region | |
Renovation Area | smart:renovation_area | Number | |
Residence Forms | smart:residence_forms | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Roles Ids | smart:roles_ids | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Roles | smart:roles_names | Text:199 | Comma separated list |
Amount of roles | smart:roles_num | Number | The number of roles |
Source Id | smart:source_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Stage Id | smart:stage_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Stage | smart:stage_name | Text:39 | |
Translated Stage | smart:stage_sotrans | List:Smart Stage | |
Start Date | smart:start_date | Date | |
Original Start Date | smart:original_start_date | Date | Set at import time, never updated |
Start Date Accuracy Id | smart:start_date_accuracy_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Start Text | smart:start_text | Text:199 | |
Street | smart:street | Text:39 | |
Street Number | smart:street_number | Number | |
Title | smart:title | Text:39 | |
Uncertainty Id | smart:uncertainty_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Uncertainty | smart:uncertainty_name | Text:39 | |
Translated uncertainty | smart:uncertainty_sotrans | List:Smart Uncertainty | |
Underground Floors | smart:underground_floors | Number | |
Update Ended | smart:update_ended | Date | |
Updated At | smart:updated_at | Date | Time of last update from Byggfakta |
Usage Area | smart:usage_area | Number | |
User Email | smart:user_email | Text:199 | Smart user data |
User Id | smart:user_id | Text:39 | Smart user data |
User Name | smart:user_name | Text:199 | Smart user data |
User Phone | smart:user_phone | Text:39 | Smart user data |
User Project Status Id | smart:user_project_status_id | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
User Project Status | smart:user_project_status_name | Text:39 | Smart user data |
Translated Project Status | smart:user_project_status_sotrans | List:Smart User Project Status | Smart user data |
Budget | smart:value | Number | |
Budget range greater than | smart:value_range_gte | Text:39 | |
Budget range less than | smart:value_range_lte | Text:39 | |
Budget Text | smart:value_text | Text:39 | |
Version | smart:version | Text:39 | Id field, not recommended |
Status (what happens) | smart:what_happens | Text:39 | |
Smart Url | smart:smart_url | Text:199 | |
smart:project_custom_1 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:project_custom_2 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:project_custom_3 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:project_custom_4 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:project_custom_5 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
Disable AutoUpdate | smart:disable_autoupdate | Checkbox |
Field Name | ProgId | DataType | Note |
Company ID | smart:company_id | Text:39 | |
Version | smart:version | Text:39 | |
Name | smart:name | Text:199 | |
Org NR | smart:org_nr | Text:39 | |
Par ID | smart:par_id | Text:39 | |
Cfar ID | smart:cfar_id | Text:39 | |
Cfar NR | smart:cfar_nr | Text:39 | |
Company NR | smart:company_nr | Text:39 | |
Company Type | smart:company_type_name | Text:39 | |
Company Type | smart:company_type_name_SOList | List:Smart Company Type | |
Country | smart:country_name | Text:39 | |
Country | smart:country_name_SOList | List:Smart Country | |
Region | smart:region_name | Text:39 | |
District | smart:district_name | Text:39 | |
City | smart:city | Text:39 | |
Postcode | smart:postcode_text | Text:39 | |
Location LAT | smart:location_lat | Text:39 | |
Location LON | smart:location_lon | Text:39 | |
Active Contacts | smart:active_contacts | Number | A count |
Source ID | smart:source_id | Text:39 | |
Updated at | smart:updated_at | Date | |
Phone | smart:Phone | Text:39 | Extracted from Communications |
Mobile | smart:Mobile | Text:39 | Extracted from Communications |
Fax | smart:Fax | Text:39 | Extracted from Communications |
smart:Email | Text:199 | Extracted from Communications | |
Website | smart:Website | Text:199 | Extracted from Communications |
Skype | smart:Skype | Text:39 | Extracted from Communications |
Client Company Folder | smart:client_company_folder_name | Text:39 | |
Delivered at | smart:delivered_at | Date | |
Modified at | smart:modified_at | Date | |
smart:company_custom_1 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:company_custom_2 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:company_custom_3 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:company_custom_4 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:company_custom_5 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
Postal Address Address | smart:postal_address_1_address | Text:39 | |
Postal Address City | smart:postal_address_1_city | Text:39 | |
Postal Address Country | smart:postal_address_1_country | Text:39 | |
Postal Address District | smart:postal_address_1_district | Text:39 | |
Postal Address Main | smart:postal_address_1_main | Text:39 | |
Postal Address Postcode | smart:postal_address_1_postcode_text | Text:39 | |
Postal Address Region | smart:postal_address_1_region | Text:39 | |
Postal Address Street | smart:postal_address_1_street | Text:39 | |
Postal Address Street Number | smart:postal_address_1_street_number | Number | |
Visit Address Address | smart:visit_address_1_address | Text:39 | |
Visit Address City | smart:visit_address_1_city | Text:39 | |
Visit Address Country | smart:visit_address_1_country | Text:39 | |
Visit Address District | smart:visit_address_1_district | Text:39 | |
Visit Address Main | smart:visit_address_1_main | Text:39 | |
Visit Address Postcode | smart:visit_address_1_postcode_text | Text:39 | |
Visit Address Region | smart:visit_address_1_region | Text:39 | |
Visit Address Street | smart:visit_address_1_street | Text:39 | |
Visit Address Street Number | smart:visit_address_1_street_number | Number |
Field Name | ProgId | DataType | Note |
Contact ID | smart:contact_id | Text:39 | |
Version | smart:version | Text:39 | |
First Name | smart:first_name | Text:39 | |
Last Name | smart:last_name | Text:39 | |
Source ID | smart:source_id | Text:39 | |
Updated at | smart:updated_at | Date | |
Phone | smart:Phone | Text:39 | |
Mobile | smart:Mobile | Text:39 | |
Fax | smart:Fax | Text:39 | |
smart:Email | Text:199 | ||
Website | smart:Website | Text:199 | |
Skype | smart:Skype | Text:39 | |
Client Company Folder Name | smart:client_company_folder_name | Text:39 | |
Delivered at | smart:delivered_at | Date | |
Modified at | smart:modified_at | Date | |
smart:person_custom_1 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:person_custom_2 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:person_custom_3 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:person_custom_4 | Going to be used in future versions | ||
smart:person_custom_5 | Going to be used in future versions |