Installation of e-conomic Quote, for SuperOffice

Last updated on: 13/11/2023

Please note, you must be a SuperOffice administrator to install and configure this app.

Fast and easy installations guide

Begin by locating and clicking on “e-conomic Quote” in the SuperOffice App Store.

After clicking on “Economic Quote” in the SuperOffice App Store, you will be redirected to the following window, where you need to confirm SuperOffice’s access to your economic agreement.

Following that, you will be directed to the Siteshop installer, where you should click on “Install”.

Following that, you will be directed to this page, where you should click on “Flush!”.

Now you have successfully installed the integration. To get assistance on how to use the integration, you can contact Siteshop support at – and we will be more than happy to help you get started with using our integration.