Technical Documentation for Integration Cloud
Learn how to use Integration Cloud to set up secure and automatic integrations with SuperOffice CRM.
Table of content
- Introduction
- Getting started
- Supported SuperOffice entities
- IntegrationID and IntegrationIDCheck
- How to map fields
- User Keys / Unique ID’s
- AssociateName and CountryName
- Cost & Earning
- Date formats, Booleans and Lists
- Preparing the CRM-system
- Security
- Sign Up / On-boarding
- Testing the integration
- Data amounts – full load or incremental?
- Delta boost
- sFTP
- File names
- CSV imports
- XML imports
- JSON file imports
- JSON web service imports
- JSON exports
- SIC Agent
- Available fields
Integration Cloud is a standard integration-app developed by Siteshop ApS that lets you push data to or pull data from SuperOffice CRM, including both the Online and On-premise versions.
Integration Cloud offers you a simple yet powerful way to integrate your business applications with SuperOffice, without having to learn to use a new integration application.

Simply send or upload data in the correct format with the correct field names and Integration Cloud makes sure the right fields are updated in SuperOffice.
It’s like using a very simple API only with CSV, XML or JSON files. The integration itself, the logging, monitoring and security is fully managed by Siteshop as long as you send data in the right format.
This documentation is aimed for CRM integration professionals, administrators and consultans.
In this technical documentation you will find all the needed information so you to set up secure and automatic integrations to and from SuperOffice, using Integration Cloud.
Integration Cloud is very simple to use and includes many powerful features to meet your demands for integration.
Use cases
Integration Cloud is designed especially with automatic integrations in mind and as it supports the most popular data formats Integration Cloud can be used for many situations. Here are a few of the typical use cases:
- ERP integration
- Integration with any SQL based business application
- Turning custom legacy integrations in to standard and online ready
- Making data available for other systems like BI, datawarehouses etc.
- Auto import data from web-shops like Magento, Woo commerce etc.

Data can be sent to or retrieved from Integration Cloud in different ways. If you want to import data to SuperOffice you can use these:
- CSV file upload to Integration Cloud sFTP
- XML file upload to Integration Cloud sFTP
- JSON file upload to Integration Cloud sFTP
- JSON web service calls to Integration Cloud import web services
- Send data from local SQL database with SIC Agent that uploads to Integration Cloud
If you want to export data from SuperOffice Integration Cloud provides this method:
- JSON WS calls to Integration Cloud export web services
Per standard data must be delivered with the correct field names (see all field names in separate documents). However, if this is not possible Integration Cloud can adapt to your specific field names (requires Integration Cloud Pro).
If your data is only available through an external API this is possible too. This will however be a custom job that must be specified, estimated, and executed by Siteshop as a stand-alone project.
List of features
Integration Cloud introduces many clever features designed to make automatic integrations as fast, secure, and reliable as possible.
This includes features that can handle large amounts of data, makes sure performance is always high, monitors every import and generally ensure a reliable integration.
Main features
- Import / update data from CSV, XML, JSON, SQL sources
- Import / update data from JSON web service
- Export data through JSON web service
- Cloud-based, Zero footprint
- Automatic field mapping / no field-mapping interface
- Import triggers when data arrives
- Export triggers when web service is called
- Export caching, to allow even complicated exports to yield fast results
- Built-in sFTP account
- Built-in web services
- Delta Boost ignores unchanged data (CSV imports only)
- Data queuing for many files
- Supports both SuperOffice Online and On-premise
- Data rows with poor quality or format are filtered away to ensure a robust integration
- Monitor / Logging
- IP-SEC, https, sFTP, file encryption, IntegrationID
- We don’t need login to your cloud drives, you’ll get login to sFTP
- Certified by SuperOffice and WatchCOM
- GDPR compliant. Imported customer data is automatically deleted from Siteshop servers
- Integration Cloud warns Siteshop service team when SuperOffice connection is not active
- Dynamic access token for JSON web service call, preventing unauthorized data tamper
Support is available through Siteshop ( or +45 70 20 19 78).
Getting started
Supported SuperOffice entities
Integration Cloud lets you insert or update data on most SuperOffice objects (entities).
- Company (including more-page fields and Interests)
- Contact Person (including more-page fields and Interests)
- Project (including more-page fields)
- Projects members
- Sales (including more-page fields)
- Appointments / Tasks (including more-page fields)
- Documents (including more-page fields)
- Relations
- Selections (static)
- Selection members
- Product & Price lists (for SuperOffice price lists)
- User-defined Tables (coming soon)
- All user-defined fields and lists
Different entities need different fields so you must produce specific import files / JSON calls for each entity. If you want companies, person and sales to be automatically imported you need at least one company file, one contact file and one sales file.
Please read our specific documents for each data type.
Also read the segment further down in this documentation on “User keys / Unique IDs” to understand how to link e.g. Sales and Documents to the correct Companies and Projects.
IntegrationID and IntegrationIDCheck
The IntegrationID is an identifier that each Integration Cloud customer gets assigned when signing up.
The IntegrationID is part of the security system and helps ensure that data sent from one customer does not end up in another customers database. It is also used to check that each row has a start and an ending and is not broken up.
For this reason the IntegrationID must be the very first field and the IntegrationIDCheck the very last field.
How to map fields
Field-mapping is one of the most important topics in an integration setup. The way Integration Cloud handles this per standard, is to have made the mapping for you already so all you need to do is give the fields in your input data the correct fields names.
In other words, field mapping is done by simply giving your input date the correct field names.
A complete list of all available fields for all available entities is found here.
Standard fields
All standard fields in SuperOffice have logical naming like “Name”, “Phone1”, “Category”, etc.
More-page fields
User-defined fields (more-page fields) have a different naming method that maps to the SuperOffice Prog-ID of each user-defined field like “CompUserNum01”, “PersUserText05”, “SaleUserDec02” etc.
So if your input data contains a field called “CompUserText11” it will automatically map to a Company more-page field in SuperOffice with the Prog-id “Siteshop:CompUserText11”.
And if your input data contains a field called “SaleUserDec02” it will automatically map to a Sales more-page field in SuperOffice with the Prog-id “Siteshop:SaleUserDec02”.
Example for a company file:
PS111232;2032102;Siteshop ApS;21252832;Diplomvej 381;CRM-app developers;250000;PS111232
IntegrationID | The customer-specific identifier. Is assigned when signing up to Integration Cloud |
CompUserKey01 | Unique ID for each row. Usually customer number or similar |
Name | Company name |
OrgNo | Org. no. / Vat no. |
PostalAddress1 | Postal Address 1 field |
CompUserText01 | A Text more-page field with the Prog-id Siteshop:CompUserText01 |
CompUserNum01 | A Number more-page field with the Prog-id Siteshop:CompUserNum01 |
IntegrationIDcheck | The customer-specific identifier. Is assigned when signing up to Integration Cloud |
As mentioned above data must per standard be delivered with the correct field names. However, if this is not possible Integration Cloud can adapt to your specific field names instead. This requires Integration Cloud Pro license.

Example showing how to enter a Prog ID for a user-defined field in SuperOffice
User Keys / Unique ID’s
Each import file must include at least one unique ID per row – these are called User Keys. User Keys helps to avoid duplicate entries and makes it possible to update data. User Keys are also important when you need to import e.g. contacts to specific companies.
The unique ID must always be placed in a more-page field (with a correct named Prog ID) specifically made for this purpose.
As an example, Company files must include a User Key for each company. Appointment files must include a User Key for each appointment but also one for the company it should be attached to.
These are the SuperOffice Prog id’s used for each entity:
Companies | Siteshop:CompUserKey01 |
Projects | Siteshop:ProjUserKey01 |
Persons | Siteshop:PersUserKey01 |
Sales | Siteshop:SaleUserKey01 |
Appointments | Siteshop:AppoUserKey01 |
Documents | Siteshop:DocuUserKey01 |
They should all be created as “Short Text” fields in SuperOffice with “Text Length” of 39 and checked as “Indexed”. We also recommend you to make the field “Read Only”

Example showing how the company User Key “CompUserKey01” must be created.
AssociateName and CountryName
AssociateName / AssociateFullName
When importing or updating the Our Contact fields you can use either the User ID (AssociateName) or the full name (AssociateFullName).
Our Contact is a list that cannot be added new items to through the integration so the values must be found. If you try to import a value to the list that does not exist Integration Cloud will select the user (Siteshop Information Studio) which is a system user.
In this example data could be either “ANDERSDYRE” (AssociateName) or “Anders Dyre” (AssociateFullName)

When importing / updating the CountryName field you can use either the “Name”, “English name” or “Postal prefix” in the [CountryName] field.
The integration will not add new countries to the list so if your input data has different country names or codes than SuperOffice, you must either adjust input data or adjust the SuperOffice list items.

Cost & Earning
When importing a sale, cost and earning can be set next to amount. There are three different methods of doing so, which will be decided during the setup period with Siteshop.
- The fields “EarningPercent” & “Amount” can be included in the data
- The fields “Earning” & “Amount” can be included in the data
- The fields “Cost” & “Amount” can be included in the data
Including fields “EarningPercent” & “Amount” in the data
It’s possible to include the field “EarningPercent” directly in the data. This way SuperOffice will calculate the earning as X% of the amount.
Ensure percentages are represented as decimal numbers without percent sign. For example, 83,5% should be included as 83,5.
Including fields “Earning” & “Amount” in the data
One can include the two fields “Earning” & “Amount”. These two fields will then be used to calculate the “EarningPercent”. Which SuperOffice will use to calculate the earning as X% of the amount.
The EarningPercent will be calulated is as follows: EarningPercent=100*(Earning/Amount)
Including fields “Cost” & “Amount” in the data
It’s possible to include the two fields “Cost” and “Amount”. These two fields will be used to calculate the “EarningPercent”. Which SuperOffice will use to calculate the earning as X% of the amount.
The EarningPecent will in this case be calculated as follows:
Date formats, Booleans and Lists
When importing to date fields, check boxes or lists there are certain formats and rules to follow.
Date format
If you need to import dates to date fields in SuperOffice CRM Online, whether it is standard or user-defined – the date must have this exact format:
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
Note that SuperOffice CRM Online support two kinds of dates: “Date” and “Unlimited Date”.
Date has a lower limit of “01-01-1970 00:00:00” and an upper limit of “01-19-2038 00:00:00”.
Unlimited date can go from “01-01-0001 00:00:00“ to “31-12-9999 00:00:00”.
11-08-2020 08:15:30
01-01-2020 00:00:00
31-12-2020 23:59:59
01-01-1970 00:00:00 (lowest limited date)
19-01-2038 00:00:00 (highest limited date)
Check boxes (Booleans)
If you need to update any check boxes in SuperOffice (standard or MorePage) data must be either “TRUE” or “FALSE”.
TRUE = Checked
FALSE = Not Checked
When setting a value for any drop-down list fields in SuperOffice the input data must be the exact same value, spelled the exact same way, using the same upper and lower case.
If the input data is a value that does not exist in the list in SuperOffice, it will be added automatically for most lists – except for the following standard lists, which Integration Cloud will not add to automatically:
- Company.Our Contact
- Company.Country
- Person.Consent (Purpose, Source and Legale base)
- Project.Our Contact
- Project.Type
- Person.Our Contact
- Sale.Our Contact
- Sale.Sale Type
- Sale.Status
- Sale.Stage name
- Appointment.Our Contact
- Appointment.Type
- Document.Our Contact
- Product.Pricelist
Preparing the CRM-system
Before you begin importing data to SuperOffice CRM you must make sure that the following preparations have been made.
- Make sure that a MorePage field for the unique ID (User Key) has been created for each of data types you wish to import using the right Prog ID (see section on “User Keys / Unique ID’s”)
- Country code in the input data must match either the “Name”, “English name” or “Postal prefix” fields in the SuperOffice country list. Adjust either input data or SuperOffice
- Make sure that data for AssociateName or AssociateFullName (Our contact) matches either the User ID or Full name for the SuperOffice users
- Make sure you have added the necessary “Sale Types” and “Stages” if you are importing sales
- Create the MorePage fields you need and make sure to give them the right Prog ID’s and types
Integration Cloud uses IP-security per default to ensure that data for a specific customer only can send from one location. This can only be disabled in certain situations in agreement with Siteshop to do so. IP whitelisting is done with Siteshop during activation of Integration Cloud.
Integration Cloud comes with a built-in sFTP server where you can upload .CSV, .XML or JSON files to. To do this you must receive username, password and IntegrationID from Siteshop.
Every Integration Cloud customer gets a unique IntegrationID that are used as a safety measurement to validate that each data file and each row comes from the right customer.
.CSV files can be zipped and password protected before uploading to Integration Cloud. The password must be shared with Siteshop.
As Integration Cloud uses push and pull principles no access to the customer server is needed from the Siteshop cloud. No credentials are needed and therefore not stored on any Siteshop server.
No imported customer data is stored on the Siteshop cloud server. As soon as data has been processed into SuperOffice the input files are deleted.
When importing through JSON web services a special authenticator code is needed for security. This is obtained from Siteshop when needed.
Sign Up / On-boarding
To start using Integration Cloud you must first sign up on the SuperOffice App Store here.
During the sign up you will be asked to log in to SuperOffice. You must do this as a SuperOffice Administrator.
When you are done you can contact Siteshop ( or (+45) 70 20 19 78) to obtain your IntegrationID, sFTP details and have the registration completed.
Testing the integration
We highly recommend that you follow these steps when you are ready to test import:
We highly recommend you follow these steps when you are ready to test import:
- Import data with all needed fields filled out – but only a few rows
- Check the log (in the Log folder on the sFTP) to see how data is validated
- Adjust according to the log if necessary
- Log in to SuperOffice and go through every field in the integration and make sure they are correctly imported
- Check that all lists are selected correctly
- Adjust the input data if needed
- Send more data with more rows
- Check the log again
- Check SuperOffice again
When every test is successfully completed you can then import more or all of the remaining data.
We recommend you use a Field Mapping document as documentation for the integration. This document should describe exactly which fields are sent in the input data and where each field is expected to go in SuperOffice. This also makes for a good list to go through when testing.
We recommend you use a Field Mapping document as documentation for the integration. This document should describe exactly which fields are sent in the input data and where each field is expected to go in SuperOffice. This also makes for a good list to go through when testing.
Data amounts – full load or incremental?
It is always recommended that you send only new and updated data to Integration Cloud. This is to minimize the load on the service but also to optimize the time for the integration to finish the job.
Full loads of data can of course be sent too but the amount of data will determine how often you will be allowed to send full loads. Please contact Siteshop ( to coordinate this.
Delta boost
When using the .CSV upload method with Integration Cloud, there is a built-in Delta boost feature enabled automatically.
This feature will determine if the data you send is new, updated or similar to the data you sent last time. Integration Cloud will then only process the rows that are new or updated.
The point of this is to lower the strain on the integration and thus make the integration run quickly using .CSV imports.
To upload input data to Integration Cloud you need an sFTP application to transfer the files.
You can use any sFTP application of your own choice, but this application is a very popular choice among our customers:
With an application like Winscp you can automate the process of uploading the input files to Integration Cloud.
Username and password will be sent to you after the sign-up process from SuperOffice App Store.
sFTP site
Port: 22
The folder you can send files to looks like this and has 4 subfolders.

When you transfer an input file it will seem to disappear from the folder shortly after.
This is for safety reasons and to continue the process of importing it to SuperOffice CRM.
File names
Input files for Integration Cloud must follow a specific naming convention.
The file name has to include:
[Type of entity]_[Integration ID]_[Timestamp in milliseconds].[csv or .xml or .json]
A correct file name for a Company .csv file would look like this:
The type of entity refers to each SuperOffice entity and uses these abbreviations:
Comp | Company |
Pers | Contact Person |
Proj | Project |
Docu | Documents |
Sale | Sales |
Appo | Appointments (activities) |
Pmem | Project members |
Prod | Products (for SuperOffice internal price lists) |
PLst | Price Lists (for SuperOffice internal price lists) |
Rela | Relations |
CSV imports
When you upload .CSV files with the correct filenames, fieldnames and format, Integration Cloud will automatically start the import process.
The .CSV files must contain row headers in first row and also comply with these settings:
File type | .csv |
Field Delimiter | ; (semicolon) |
Encoding | UTF-8 |
Text Qualifiers (optional | “” |
Important notes
- Input data cannot contain semicolons without also using text qualifiers as this is the field delimiter
- Line breaks inside fields will break the format and stop the import
Please read the separate document for all available field names.
XML imports
By uploading .XML files with the correct filenames, fieldnames and format Integration Cloud will automatically start the import.
XML format
The .XML file must follow the format like following, and not contain further nested objects:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Name>Siteshop ApS</Name>
<Name>Siteshop ApS</Name>
Please read the separate document for all available field names.
JSON file imports
By uploading .JSON files with the correct filenames, fieldnames and format Integration Cloud will automatically start the import.
JSON file format
The .XML file must follow the format like following, and not contain further nested objects:
"IntegrationID": "17PS01010001",
"CompUserKey01": "Comp123456",
"Name": "Siteshop ApS",
"CompUserText01": "TEstText",
"CompUserDec01": "15000.95",
"IntegrationIDCheck": "17PS01010001"
"IntegrationID": "17PS01010001",
"CompUserKey01": "Comp123456",
"Name": "Siteshop ApS",
"CompUserText01": "TEstText",
"CompUserDec01": "15000.95",s
"IntegrationIDCheck": "17PS01010001"
Please read the separate document for all available field names.
JSON web service imports
Data can be sent to Integration Cloud through JSON web service imports.
Web service URL
Use this URL to send data to Integration Cloud:
Request body example:
"IntegrationId": "17PS01010001",
"Data": "{\"Company\": [{\"IntegrationID\": \"17PS01010001\", \"Name\": \"Siteshop\"}]}", "Datatype": "Company",
"Authenticator": "***"
- IntegrationID – Unique id for the customer’s specific integration
- Data – JSON formatted string
- Datatype – The type of data sent, you can see the full list in the Datatypes section
- Authenticator – A key created by hashing the data, more on this in the Authenticator document.
Note that both the body and the Data is of JSON format, and that the Data’s quotes (“) must be escaped.
Example in Postman:

There is also an example of a C# implementation in the section “Examples for C#” -> “POST Import”.
Data must be sent in this structure, where you can have one or more objects inside of the array, and one or more properties inside each object. All objects must contain the same fields. Only one type of data can be sent in a single call.
{”Datatype”: [{”Field1”: ”Value1”, ”Field2”: ”Value2”, ... },{”Field1”: ”Value1”, ”Field2”: ”Value2”, ...}, ...]}
- Datatype is one of the options from the Datatypes list.
- FieldX is the name of a given field
- ValueX is the value of a given field
Note the JSON must contain all the fields marked as mandatory in the tables in the Datatype section.
There are several responses the web service can give. The response is a single JSON object, that contains 2 properties: Code and Message. Where code is an integer for the given error, and message is the human readable description of what went wrong. These codes are returned as string and not as http status codes. The following message are possible:
{“Code”: “200”, “Message”: “Import successful”} | Everything went well |
{“Code”: “0”, “Message”: “The application is currently under maintenance”} | Whenever the entire application or a specific customer integration is marked as under maintenance |
{“Code”: “1”, “Message”: “IntegrationId {IntegrationId} not found. Contact support”} | If for some reason the customers IntegrationId is not set up, or if the customer mistakenly calls with the wrong IntegrationId |
{“Code”: “3”, “Message”: “The data format was not recognized as JSON”} | If, for whatever reason, the program could not calculate the input type. This is mostly the case if the data sent has been cut short, or packets were dropped underway. Checking the sent message and trying again will often help. |
{“Code”: “100”, “Message”: “An unknown error occurred during import. Contact support”} | If an unhandled error happens inside the code. If this happens, do contact us as that might mean there is a bug in the web service. |
{“Code”: “110”, “Message”: “Following arguments in importItem was null or empty: ‘IntegrationId’, ‘Data'”} | Should an item in the request JSON be empty, this error is thrown. All items are necessary during all calls to the Import. |
“” (blank) | If the authenticator is wrong, the response will be purely blank, no code or message at all. This is to heighten security against random calls. |
Example for C#
All examples below are only guiding, any user of the system should further develop it themselves, to tailor to their exact needs.
POST Import
First create a class that is the ImportItem that we can population with data before sending it:
class ImportItem
public string IntegrationId { get; set; }
public string Data { get; set; }
public string Datatype { get; set; }
public string Authenticator { get; set; }
Then serialize and send it:
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
public async Task StartImport()
Uri uri = new Uri(""); using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
ImportItem importItem = new ImportItem()
IntegrationId = [IntegrataionId],
Data = [JSON Object],
Datatype = [Datatype],
Authenticator = [authenticator]
//Serialize the object and create a StringContent,
//that we can send to the web service
string serializedImportItem = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(importItem);
StringContent content = new StringContent(serializedImportItem, Encoding.UTF8,
//Send the POST message, and read the result from the WebService
HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = await client.PostAsync(uri, content);
string resultContent = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
JSON exports
Integration Cloud can be used to pull data out of SuperOffice to be used in other applications. You must coordinate with Siteshop which datatypes and fields you need. Contact to coordinate this.
The API is written with REST in mind, and as such follows that as closely as possible. The calls are POST calls, and as such require a payload, defined by Siteshop.
The payload is a JSON formatted text, that includes the following attributes:
IntegrationId | An ID provided by Siteshop |
SearchName | Once it’s specified what the customer wants to be able to look up, a Search is created, and named. This is the name of that Search. |
SearchParameter | It’s possible to place parameters on the Search, using Siteshop’s syntax. |
Authenticator | An authenticator is needed to authorize the caller. This Authenticator depends on multiple pieces of data, such that for example an authenticator for “Search A“ will not be the same as for “Search B”. How to generate the authenticator is shown in the Authenticator document |
Search calls
A call to this URL will perform a Search, and then return that data in a JSON formatted answer. The easiest way to test that a connection can be made, is using an API-testing software; these examples are shown using Postman.
"IntegrationId": "YourIntegrationdId",
"SearchName": "YourSearchName",
"SearchParameter": "[YourParameter][=][5]",
"Authenticator": "123"
Example of calling a Search using Postman

Where this data, is only for example purposes
Return data

Siteshop Search parameter syntax
The SearchParameter field is meant to specify the Search further, for instance all companies created after 2015.
There is a special syntax for setting the parameter (sometimes referred to as criteria), it’s not very complicated, but not innately obvious.
Let’s say we make a call with this body:
"IntegrationId": "YourIntegrationdId",
"SearchName": "YourSearchName",
"SearchParameter": "",
"Authenticator": "123"
And that this return data like:
"TestData": [
"CompUserKey01": "1234",
"Name": "Siteshop Test Company",
"Department": "Lyngby",
"CreatedYear": "2000"
"CompUserKey01": "2345",
"Name": "Siteshop Test Company 2",
"Department": "Lyngby",
"CreatedYear": "2017"
Now let’s say that you only want companies created after 2015, then we can change the request like so:
"IntegrationId": "YourIntegrationdId",
"SearchName": "YourSearchName",
"SearchParameter": "[CreatedYear][>][2015]",
"Authenticator": "123"
This will then reflect in the result like so:
"TestData": [
"CompUserKey01": "2345",
"Name": "Siteshop Test Company 2",
"Department": "Lyngby",
"CreatedYear": "2017"
Our result is now smaller and more to the point.
To elaborate; the criteria follows this format:
Where the FieldName is the name of the field that can be limited on
Where Operator can be one of: =, <>, >, >=, <, <= and works like in other languages.Where Value is the limit that can be set
The operator contains a few more functions than mentioned, however they are beyond the scope of this document. Should you need more precise, or different, functions from the operator, please contact us so we can discuss.
Authenticator (separate document)
For security reasons the authenticator section will be sent to you by the Siteshop support team in a secure and separate document.
SIC Agent
If you have data stored in an SQL-database, you can have the SIC Agent installed on the SQL server and use it to query the data and automatically have it formatted to .CSV and uploaded to Integration Cloud.
SIC Agent is a Windows Service that can be scheduled to run in certain intervals, and it is available in the Pro and Enterprise version of Integration Cloud.
Installation and configuration
Siteshop will install the SIC Agent by agreement with the customer. A remote connection to the relevant server is needed as well as SQL credentials and information about data.
Available fields
In this section you will find all available standard and more-page fields that you can use for the SuperOffice integration.
- Please use the same upper and lower casing as we do in the lists
- Always use “IntegrationID” as the first column and “IntegrationIDCheck” as the last in your input files
- Remember to use the correct Prog-ID’s when importing to More-page fields