The integration is made for these CRM systems:

This is plug 'n play
Being a 100% standard-app getting started has never been easier. No programming or heavy configuration is needed, and your can relax knowing that the integration is monitored by our service team and will always be compatible with the latest version of your CRM.
Get a presentation today
DK: (+45) 70 20 19 78
SE: (+46) 10 888 67 69
NO: (+45) 38 42 47 00
Byggfakta SMART and CRM is a powerful combination

Get notified
Get email notifications from SMART whenever a new exciting and relevant project is available.
Find everything with ease
Use the powerful search feature in SMART to quickly find the projects you need.
Narrow down with filters
The SMART filters will ensure that only relevant projects are presented to you.
Transfer to CRM with one click
Browse, research and evaluate the projects in SMART. Change status to "Working with" to send them to CRM.
Sales process in CRM
Once in CRM you can assign the project to the right person and start the sales process.
CRM is automatically updated
Every project in CRM is automatically kept up to date. When a change happens in SMART it is updated in CRM as well.
Add new construction projects to your CRM system instantly and with ease
Whenever you want to add new projects to your CRM system just log in to SMART and select the ones your need. Find any projects in the Nordic countries with ease, select the one you need and click "Working with". The app will of course check for duplicates first and then create the project for you in CRM.
AutoUpdate keeps your CRM data fresh
Project details change every day and with the included AutoUpdate feature those changes are automatically updated in your CRM system. Knowing that you can always trust the project data in your CRM system is extremely valuable to all the CRM users.
More insight and better timing
Highly relevant and up to date project details will help you improve your timing with every sales effort you make. Better timing and more insight is the key to closing the deal with the right products, at the right time.
All key functions
- Easy way to transfer new projects from SMART to CRM
- Checks for duplicate data before each import
- Get project details in the user-defined fields for further segmentation
- Weekly AutoUpdate of project data and user-defined fields
- See and import companies in the Byggfakta SMART web panel in CRM
- GDPR and Consent is handled when importing a contact person
- Support for both manual and automatic workflow
Every feature in this list is included in our very user-friendly standard app which is seamlessly integrated with your CRM system.
- Find and load new leads directly in your CRM system
- Save time and resources by avoiding manual updates
- Avoid duplicates in your CRM system
- See project details, roles and contacts for each project in CRM
- See project data from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland in one integration
- Organize the project data and avoid wasting time on outdated information in CRM

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