Market Data Nordic, for CRM offers you easy access to the newest company data, financial information and decision makers from Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland directly in your CRM system.
Getting started is easy
Being a 100% standard-app getting started has never been easier. No programming or heavy configuration is needed.
Contact us so you can get started right away.
... simply contact us
DK: (+45) 70 20 19 78
SE: (+46) 10 888 67 69
NO: (+45) 38 42 47 00
Add new companies to your CRM system instantly and with ease
Whenever you want to add a new company (lead, account, partner etc.) to you CRM system just open up the Market Data Nordic app. Find any company in the Nordic countries with ease, select the one you need and click "Import". The app will of course check for duplicates first and then create the company for you.
AutoUpdate keeps your CRM data fresh
Company data changes every day and with the included AutoUpdate feature those changes are automatically updated in your CRM system. Knowing that you can always trust the company data in your CRM system is extremely valuable to all the CRM users.
More customer insight from the comfort of your CRM system
Dig into even more details about each of the companies in your CRM system without ever leaving it. Use the added web panels to look up finanical details, company status, decision makers and related companies.
All key functions
- Easy and quick import of new companies and contacts
- Checks for duplicate data before each import
- Added company details in user-defined fields for further segmentation
- Weekly AutoUpdate of company data and user-defined fields
- See and import decision makers in the D&B Employees web panel
- GDPR and Consent is handled when importing a contact person
- See and import related companies in the D&B Group web panel
- Current company details, financial numbers etc. in the D&B Info panel
Every feature in this list is included in our very user-friendly standard app which is seamlessly integrated with your CRM system.
- Find and load new leads directly in your CRM system
- Save time and resources by avoiding manual updates
- Avoid duplicates in your CRM system
- Give your customers the best service by keeping track of their information
- See financial details, contacts, group structures on each of your customers
- Avoid bad payers with the integrated credit rating
- See company data from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland in one integration
- Organize the company data and avoid wasting time on outdated company data

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