Integration Cloud helps you easily, securely and quickly, with your integration needs for SuperOffice CRM
Everything together in one place
Avoid switching between SuperOffice CRM and your other Back Office systems, e.g. your accounting system (ERP) to see all your customer information.
Get easy access to your important customer data, optimize your daily workflows, expand your customer insight, strengthen your customer relations, and increase your chances of additional sales.
Integration Cloud easily and securely integrates your accounting system data into SuperOffice CRM.
Changing customer information in your accounting
system will automatically update SuperOffice.
Keep your customer data updated and get sales key figures, balance, delivery period, etc. imported to fields on your More page in SuperOffice.
You can get orders and invoices from the accounting system imported as Sales or PDF documents in SuperOffice.
Integration Cloud Panels lets you see transaction data such as open orders and invoice lines in a SuperOffice web panel.
Easy, fast and secure
Integration Cloud offers great flexibility, allowing you to more freely choose which data from which systems you want integrated with SuperOffice.
Integration Cloud is an online integration service, so no software needs to be installed or maintained on your local server.
Integration can be as easy as uploading customer data into a CSV / TXT or XML file to your Integration Cloud folder, which is then imported automatically to SuperOffice.
Does it work for my ERP system?
Whichever accounting system you use, we offer several ways to integrate it with SuperOffice.
From simple CSV / TXT file import to JSON and XML files, web service call or integration with another API - Integration Cloud can help you.
Integration Cloud is primarily used for one-way integration, ranging from corporate systems to SuperOffice CRM. But we can also export data from SuperOffice to your back office systems.
Supported ERP Systems
Here is a list of accounting systems our clients have integrated with SuperOffice using Integration Cloud:
- Navision
- C5
- AX / XAL
- Movex
- Pyramid
- Xledger
- Monitor
- Mamut
- Aspect4
- Winkompass
- Jeeves
Feel free to contact us so we can discuss how we can best integrate your business systems with SuperOffice.
Phone: 70 20 19 78
Best possible pipeline and sales reporting in SuperOffice
To achieve a precise pipeline and sales reporting in SuperOffice, all the offers and orders created in your company should also be found in SuperOffice as a Sales.
It may be that you already have Sales and Offers (quotes) in SuperOffice today, but there are also offers or orders that come from your webshop, offer system, product configurator, or from your accounting system.
Integration Cloud can easily ensure that offers and orders not made directly in SuperOffice are automatically created as Sales in SuperOffice.
This way, you can collect all offers and order listings from the entire company in SuperOffice and get the best possible pipeline and sales reporting.
Integration Cloud Panels shows you customer information which can't be found in SuperOffice
Now you don't need to check the accounting system or ask in the bookkeeping if you, for example, want to see detailed invoice information about your customers. Integration Cloud Panels show you customer information, from outside SuperOffice directly on a SuperOffice tab.
In a company there is often important customer information that isn't stored in the CRM system. It may be detailed information from the accounting system, warehouse database , webshop or any other back-office database.
Although this information is not found directly in the CRM system, they can still be very valuable.
Integration Cloud Panels allow you to view external information directly in SuperOffice in an additional tab so your SuperOffice users can save time and increase customer insights.
Happy customers who use Integration Cloud

Get started
With Integration Cloud you can start setting up your integration yourself. With a little knowledge of data and a bit of technical know-how, you can follow our guide and start the integrating with SuperOffice.
We will of course also advise and assist you if you wish. Our skilled and experienced consultants know everything about SuperOffice and how different types of data are best used in SuperOffice - so please contact us so we can estimate the scope of the assignment together.
Available on the App Store
Whether using SuperOffice CRM Online or SuperOffice On premise
(ver. 8+), you can use Integration Cloud.
Simply enter the SuperOffice App Store -> find Integration Cloud and click "Sign-up" and go through the registration process.
You will be contacted personally immediately after the app is ready for use.